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Can students inspire change in public policy?
Students hold great potential for change. Yet, public policy decisions are hardly (if ever!) influenced by the creativity, interest, and experience of our smallest citizens. In this project, students will take a stand in support of a public policy issue that matters to them. They will learn about all sides of several topics like education and the environment. Through respectful discourse, they will construct and articulate well-researched positions on a topic of their choice with an inspirational podcast!
Imagine if all our students could make their voices heard and become the changemakers our world needs. What a way to make a difference in the world!

Project Learning Targets
Lesson 1: Students learn tolerance for people with different perspectives.
Lesson 2: Students apply tolerance to relevant issues and express their learning through art.
Lesson 3: Students research both sides of an issue to construct arguments for a debate.
Lesson 4: Students debate clearly and respectfully.
Lesson 5: Students include elements of good storytelling in a podcast script.
Lesson 6: Students record and review their podcasts.
Lesson 7: Students understand how to revise and refine their podcasts.
Lesson 8: Students share their perspectives with an authentic audience.
For lesson descriptions, download the project overview.
For K–8 content connections, download the content correlations.
What is included with your project?

Sample Online Resources
- Two Sides to Every Issue
- Elements of Good Storytelling
- Tips and Tricks for Creating a Podcast
- Why you think you’re right — even if you’re wrong (YouTube 11:37)
- Podcaster’s Checklist
- And so much more!
Kit Supplies
- Round Trip, by Ann Jonas
- Pop Microphone
- Debate Graph
- Fluorescent Cardstock
- Sticker Sheets

- English Language Arts: Reasons and Evidence
- Math: Decimal Notation
- Science: Information Processing
- Social Studies: Core Civic Virtues
- Social-Emotional Learning: Self-Awareness and Self-Management

- Connect with a Civil Discourse Professor
- Channel Your Inner Politician
- The Podcast Pros
- ‘Ello, Guv’nor

Storm the Capitol
Share your podcast with other classes around the state, and have your students work to organize a march on the state capital to share their thoughts and feelings with your elected representatives.

- Timely and Actionable Feedback
- Standards-Based Grading
To see a complete list of what’s included in your project, download the project overview.
About the Author
Paul Solarz
4th Grade Teacher
Westgate Elementary School
Arlington Heights, IL
Each Blue Apple Project Includes:

- Engaging lessons designed to make learning memorable, meaningful, and fun
- PBL Supports such as: real-world connections, collaboration options, cross-curricular content, and just-in-time professional development
- Time-saving links to dozens of curated online resources
- Kit of supplies that bring your project to life
- Access to a Project Coach to ask questions and share ideas... you're never alone!