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Start Strong with Classroom Community
Getting Started
Start the school year off right by investing time into building a positive classroom culture. These short lessons will go a long way in helping support this work! Try one or try them all!!
Lesson 1
Model Behavior
In this activity, students will build models for challenging scenarios they have experienced with their peers and work through ways to solve them successfully.
Lesson 2
The Baboons’ Dilemma
Play this game to teach your students the power of cooperation.
Lesson 3
Engineering Trust
Build classroom trust through these hands-on, engaging activities.
Lesson 4
Crafting Our Classroom
Start your year strong by crafting classroom norms and turning each into a collage that can be displayed the whole year through.
Lesson 5
Made for Me
This getting to know you activity has students interview each other and use that information to create a meaningful gift.

Want More?
If you like these lessons, you'll LOVE the Blue Apple project, Moments to Remember, where students form friendships with senior citizens, then use what they learn about their new friends to create meaningful, memorable biographies.
Use the discount code TIMELY to save 10% off on any Blue Apple projects!
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