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Can a few cents revitalize a community?
Around the world, millions of talents go to waste because people lack the resources to get started. In 2006, Muhammad Yunus won the Nobel Peace Prize for his innovative idea of microlending to help impoverished communities. In this project, students will learn how microlending can be an incredibly powerful force for good. Your class will raise and lend money to entrepreneurs in developing nations who are trying to make a positive impact on the world!
Imagine if thousands of kids just like yours, all around the country, made small investments today that would have an immense impact on communities around the world. What an incredible way to make the world a better place!

Project Learning Targets
Lesson 1: Students begin to understand the concept of microlending.
Lesson 2: Students research microlending stories.
Lesson 3: Students perform puppet plays depicting their own creative microlending success stories.
Lesson 4: Students discuss and debate to select a loan request to fund.
Lesson 5: Students consider audience when pitching their fundraising ideas.
Lesson 6: Students discuss and debate to plan a fundraiser.
Lesson 7: Students look for ways to refine their fundraiser.
Lesson 8: Students conduct a successful fundraiser and fund the microloan request.
For lesson descriptions, download the project overview.
For K–8 content connections, download the content correlations.
What is included with your project?

Sample Online Resources
- ”Fish Out of Water”Game
- The Pedro Story (You Tube 1:36)
- Blue Apple Fundraiser Ideas
- ”Ultimate Fish Catcher of Doom” Instructions
- The F.U.N. Part Protocol
- And so much more!
Kit Supplies
- 22 Cents: Muhammad Yunus and the Village Bank, by Paula Yoo and Jamel Akib
- Paper Bags
- Gummy Fish
- Marbles
- Pipe Cleaners
- Tape
- String

- English Language Arts: Academic Vocabulary
- Math: Numerical Expressions
- Science: Matter and Its Properties
- Social Studies: Variety of Resources
- Social-Emotional Learning: Relationship Skills and Social Awareness

- Meet a Small Business Expert
- Ask a Microlending Expert
- Connect with a Celebrity
- Change the World with KIVA
- Connect with Community Leaders

The Puppet Prophecy
Create puppets and use them to connect with another class to help recruit other students and increase the power of your project!

- Applying Creative and Critical Thinking
- Student Choice and Voice
To see a complete list of what’s included in your project, download the project overview.
About the Author
Angela Marzilli
PreK-12 STEM and PBL Coordinator
South Portland High
South Portland, ME
Each Blue Apple Project Includes:

- Engaging lessons designed to make learning memorable, meaningful, and fun
- PBL Supports such as: real-world connections, collaboration options, cross-curricular content, and just-in-time professional development
- Time-saving links to dozens of curated online resources
- Kit of supplies that bring your project to life
- Access to a Project Coach to ask questions and share ideas... you're never alone!