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Disaster Detectives: Hurricanes!

Engaging inquiry-oriented activities to get your students investigating Earth’s natural forces.

Getting Started

Earth is a dynamic system of natural forces. Sometimes, these forces can interact in disastrous and destructive ways. But often, we are left wondering, “How in the world did that happen?” Use these lessons to better understand the phenomena behind one of Earth’s most devastating natural disasters.

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How Hurricanes Happen
Lesson 1

How Hurricanes Happen

Send your students on a quest to explore how hurricanes form in this engaging, informative activity!

Lesson 2

History’s Hurricanes

Explore 13 of the deadliest hurricanes throughout history with this interactive adventure your students will love.

Lesson 3

Tracking Hurricanes

Track a hurricane to see if you can predict where it will make landfall!

Fight that Flood - Engineering Challenge
Lesson 4

Fight that Flood - Engineering Challenge

In this hands-on activity, students explore how to fight flooding — one of the major causes of death and destruction from hurricanes!

Staying Safe: Hurricane Edition
Lesson 5

Staying Safe: Hurricane Edition

Learn how to mitigate the damage caused by a hurricane, then share your learning with others to help keep them safe.

Want More?

If you like these lessons, you'll LOVE our NexGen Inquiry Quests , compelling scenarios that capture student interest while introducing them to a real-world problem they can solve with science.

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